Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If you could provide healthcare coverage to everyone in the US and control costs, how would you do it?

I am studying healthcare policy in the United States and have noted that lots of people have their opinions. I am wondering, without making blanket statements, if anyone has some intelligent solutions knowing that costs are up. coverage is down, and the solution is complex.If you could provide healthcare coverage to everyone in the US and control costs, how would you do it?
the only way it has worked in other countries like Canada

is to allocate a decent amount of taxes and control medical costs, or socialize medicine. Implemented correctly,

this would be one of the advanced solutions we could make

in our time.If you could provide healthcare coverage to everyone in the US and control costs, how would you do it?
Part of me is for health care for everyone. However, I feel that defining what ';Health-care Services'; should be available to everyone is the issue. Surly, vaccinations should be available to everyone %26lt;especially the children%26gt;. Basic low cost health care should be available. It is when we get the technical and costly medical treatments that we should stop the social cost of the medicine.

Cosmetic Surgery should not be available to everyone. Additionally, I think surgery like heart operations, transplants, and cancer treatments should be insured by each individual. These are new and scientifically still experiments. The cost is overwhelming for these technically advanced medical treatments.

Further, society likes to play the ';Victim'; card ... oh woaith me ... I had to wait 10 minutes waiting for a 911 operator %26lt;it's a free social service - what do you expect - you should be thankful we even have one%26gt;. I would hate to see the benefits given to all and watch them pull out their lawyers and scream, ';Malpractice'; ... lets sue ... so if we did have a blanket health care services, I believe that we should also limit the time and monetary damages to a blanket social system ... for this is what is bankrupting us. I really hate socialist programs --- they are so communist --- but I also understand that every person should be treated with human dignaty ... only I don't believe that human dignaty is obtained with kemo theorpy treatments and open heart surgeries. If people want to fight God on their time to meet the maker, let them do it on their own dollar.
ok, are you asking how everyone could have healthcare coverage at no cost to them or what? I need a little more detail about your question.

could always send one person per family to medical school, and make that person responsible for the care of the family. When it comes to medication, people should be educated to natural herbs and remedies that cost much less than the medications that are manufactured.

Giggly giraffe, its always easy to look at issues that you think will never effect you. The US has a very high rate of heart disease and cancer. That means that there is a high probability that before you breathe your last breath, you will have some form of heart disease or cancer. I think at that point in time your views about medical procedures would change dramatically don't you? Also, your answer sounds a little bit like survival of the fittest as well...
How would I do it, personally - if i could?

For a profit, or not at all!

The problem with all these ';studies'; and group think things is that the basic premise is that health care is properly a government service, which it is not. It properly SHOULD be self-paid, or paid by charitable contributions.

To extort money, say, from non-smokers, to pay for emphysema and lung cancer treatments for smokers .. is only taking a socialistic approach. In the REAL world, one pays for their own mistakes, or benefits from their own good judgments (or fortunate genetic ancestors).

The ';health care PROBLEM'; is not a government problem to solve, it is a personal problem to be shouldered and dealt with.

See? the ';solution'; is not all that complex, unless you want to violate the basic freedom of taxpayers in the US.. is it?
Allow me to attempt to answer, There should be health care for everyone period. Ranging from non-insure es, low-insure es and mid to premium on a sliding scale for fees.

Payment should be optional with cash payments, credit, debit and sweat equity rare cases, or swap some payments with border options or volunteer sometime like community services.If one is to, sick designate someone on behalf of the patients. If not, let the quota system kick in.(50 a day per science field@ medicine)or let so much percentage be tax write offs for doctors and staff. My personal choice would defray the costs of medical schools tuition in form of grants and fellowships or dismiss costs entirely on case by case basics.
I don't know.... someone needs to figure it out though. I need some insurance!!!!
We need to regulate the pharmacy part of the medical too! I have a pill that cost $25.00 for just one. I know that some medication is even hire than that too! You know as will as I do they have a mark up of over 100 % We need to stop Doctors from getting kickback from the insurance company also. I feel everyone is entitle to insurance wither you can afford it or not. As in life everyone should be treated the same unless you do something to take your rights away from yourself. I truly feel that if we don't do something soon even the ones with insurance is not going to be able to afford it. That is a great question.
I think primary health care should be free so we catch it early and maybe we prevent alot of tertiary care problems from developing also I believe this would incourage more people to visit the doctor instead of leaving it too late. Although education plays a mojor role in this, long term education planning rather than crisis management is how it should be looked at.

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